Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Overdue pictures at K-box celebrating Dave's birthday & the Gucci Hp Strap was a present from my Marcom head, "Jeslin" as my outlet CSCs got the most visit for the month of October ^^ Zann & Susan got vouchers (:
I'm so stressed this month as i'm bearing full target now, 50 lai ke per month ley. so hard to hit lorxz :/ But i tell myself got put in effort jiu hao, don't think will hit target this month de luh .
Finally can off, so freaking tired man. everyday travel all the way from Jurong to Novena Square to work, jitao tiring de lorxz -.-' but for the sake of money, i will tahan (:
gonna nua a little more while than get myself prepared as i'm going Jurong Point to get my hair cut , pedicure done & get my eyebrow trim{kns, Coslab no more liao also don't know where to trim better:/} tml party lo, cfm sieh fun. HAHA.